Given, cooking apples indoors in a stock pot isn't quite as much fun as cooking it over an open fire in a copper kettle but I'll wait until cooler weather for that.
red hots I just love watching the color change to that rich brown that applebutter is known for.
After cooking for hours, it's finally time to can and seal in that delicious apple cinnamon flavor. Since I was using my slow cooker I had to cook it in batches. I made the extra into applesauce. Apple butter and applesauce are so easy to make. If you have apples or can buy them in bulk I recommend making some. You can't beat homemade goods!
Don't forget about that yummy apple bread. After all, you have to have something to spread all that applebutter on.
Do you have a good apple recipe? Please share in the comments box. I love to try new recipes.